Our Projects

Our Projects

Explore the core of Ademaria Initiative through our impactful projects, crafted to empower refugees and uplift vulnerable host communities

Empowering Families together

With the support from Amahoro Coalition, we are implementing a project known as Empowering Families Together (EFT), a two-generation project that focusses on supporting children under 8 years with access to affordable early childhood development education and boosting the livelihood of their caregivers/guardians in order to ensure self-reliance among the urban refugees in Kampala-Uganda. Many refugees face a lot of barriers when it comes to equal employment opportunities, and seed capital from the private sector and the government just because of their identity as refugees and because of this prejudice many refugees have missed out on many opportunities which would have impacted their lives positively. This barrier is exacerbated by the ignorance of some people in Authority and private sector about the refugee rights and most importantly the 2006 refugee Act. Having a sustainable livelihood is still a far dream for many refugees due to scarce resources on their disposal and the few that have managed to acquire employability skills end up in unemployment if they don’t have a financial muscle to start their own small micro-enterprises. These are daily realities in the lives of many refugees who are sinking in poverty due to lack of assets, employability skills and start capital. Ademaria Initiative believes that many refugees dwelling in urban centers will sink into chronic poverty and translate it to their children if the situation is not handled with durable solutions which EFT project seeks to address among refugees in the three divisions of Kampala that’s to say Makindye, Central and Rubaga division.